Privacy Policy
Updating of the privacy information pursuant to art. 13 of the european regulation n. 679/2016
Privacy policy
privacy policy update
Pursuant to art. 13 of the European regulation no. 679/2016, fabbrica pelletterie milano s.p.a. (hereinafter also "company", and/or "fpm"), vat reg. no. 06746000964, with registered office in Milan, piazza del carmine 4, hereby informs you that it is the controller, ex art. 24 of the eu regulation no. 679/2016, of your personal data and that it will process the data you have provided in compliance with the relevant regulations.
Data collected and purpose
The personal data provided by you are collected electronically and processed, also with the aid of electronic means, for the purposes set out below and are essentially inherent to:
(1) Fulfil legal and tax obligations
Legal basis is the fulfilment of legal obligations.
Data: name and surname, vat/tax code, address, telephone number, e-mail address, purchase data (e.g. products purchased, place, date and time of purchase, delivery data), products displayed.
Payment details (iban, payment card no., expiry date, etc.) are not processed by fpm, but directly through paypal
(2) Register you as an FPM customer, in order to enable you to purchase the products, register them on the site and extend their guarantee.
Legal basis is the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or the performance of pre-contractual measures taken at the data subject's request (article 6(1)(b) gdpr).
Data: full name, address, telephone number, e-mail address.
(3) Fulfil obligations strictly related to the purchase of a product by a registered customer and any subsequent after-sales assistance, including the procedure for returns (e-commerce management).
Legal basis: performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or performance of pre-contractual measures taken at the data subject's request (article 6(1)(b) gdpr).
Data: name and surname, vat/tax code, address, telephone number, e-mail address, purchase data (e.g. products purchased, place, date and time of purchase, delivery data).
(4) Sales statistics on aggregated and anonymous data.
(5) Cookies: the site uses cookies to make navigation better and to provide certain functionalities. For more information: Coockie policy
(6) Newsletter on products, events and news related to the FPM world
Legal basis: consent of the data subject.
Data: email, first and last name.
(7) Marketing
Legal basis: consent of the data subject.
Data: email, full name, location and preferences
Attention: FPM does not intend to carry out any promotional activities towards minors, and is therefore required to verify this requirement when providing data for this purpose.
The personal data you provide will be processed at the offices of fpm milano and at the offices of the provider of network and hosting services, webup s.p.a., and will be handled by employees and/or professionals expressly authorised to do so.
Nature of data provision
The provision of data is necessary for purposes 1, 2 and 3 as it is strictly related to the execution of the contract, the related after-sales service and the fulfilment of legal obligations: any refusal will result in the impossibility of carrying out the contractual relationship and the provision of related services.
With reference to purpose 4, no personal data will be used, but only aggregated and anonymous data from which the data subject cannot be traced/identified.
The provision of data for purposes 6 and 7 is optional and subject to the express consent of the data subject, so there are no consequences in the event of a refusal, other than the impossibility for fpm to provide information on developments in the products and services we offer. It should be noted that the data subject has the right to withdraw consent at any time, but this does not affect the lawfulness of the processing prior to withdrawal.
Methods of processing
Personal data will be processed in hard copy, computerised and telematic form and entered into the relevant databases (customers, suppliers, administration, etc.), which may be accessed by, and thus become known to, the employees expressly designated by the data controller as authorised/designated to process personal data, in compliance with the legal provisions necessary to guarantee, among other things, the confidentiality and security of the data as well as their accuracy, updating and relevance to the stated purposes.
Scope of disclosure and dissemination of data
Data are not subject to dissemination.
In relation to the stated purposes, the data may be disclosed to the following parties and/or categories of parties as listed below, or may be disclosed to companies and/or persons who provide services, including external services, on behalf of the data controller. these* include, for the sake of clarity
- it agencies/technicians for user problem solving;
- shipping companies/couriers;
- competent authorities and/or supervisory bodies for the fulfilment of legal obligations;
- public administrations for their institutional purposes;
- qualified professionals for the purpose of studying and solving any legal and contractual problems.
(*) The list of external managers/independent owners with further useful identification data can be requested by contacting the company at the addresses given.
Duration of processing.
For purposes 1 to 3, your personal data will be processed and stored until 10 years after termination of the relationship/contract for administrative-accounting purposes and to comply with legal obligations, after which it will be destroyed or rendered unusable or anonymous.
Your personal registration data on the site will be processed until you decide to cancel your registration on the site and your profile.
With regard to the newsletter and marketing purposes, your personal data for the stated purposes will be processed for a maximum period of 36 months, i.e. until you decide to revoke your consent using the modalities set out in this notice, or in the case of email subscription to the newsletter, by using the 'unsubscribe' link.
Data useful for analysing the development and improvement of services will be processed for up to 36 months
rights of the interested parties
In relation to the aforementioned processing operations, you may exercise your rights under chapter iii of eu regulation 679/2016 art. 15 - 22, which include:
- obtain confirmation of the existence or non-existence of data concerning you;
- to know the origin of the data, the logic and the purpose on which the processing is based;
- obtain access, cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in breach of the law, updating, restriction, rectification, revocation, portability and integration of data
- object, for legitimate reasons, the processing of such data;
- file a complaint with a supervisory authority pursuant to art. 77 of the gdpr (
by contacting fabbrica pelletterie milano spa, with registered offices in piazza del carmine, 4, milan (mi), by calling +(39) 02 36705900 or by sending an email to
Further information regarding the processing and communication of data envisaged directly or otherwise acquired may be requested at the addresses given above. this notice does not, of course, exclude the possibility that further information may also be given orally to the data subjects at the time of data collection.
The controller